

RTD将安全放在最重要的位置. 捷运在全港经营火车及巴士. RTD设施上或周围的所有施工必须仔细协调, 合法许可和适当许可的.


RTD有你必须遵循的特定程序, 你必须填写并提交的表格, 你必须完成安全培训, agreements 和 permits you must acquire before entering or doing any work on/在 RTD Facilities (including RTD property or Right-of-Way [行], 建筑物及场地, Park-n-Rides(内线), 巴士路线及车站, 铁路走廊和车站).

Ask all your questions of RTD Engineering 和 RTD Utility Engineering after reviewing our website 和 before you dig.

RTD工程电话线: 303-299-2299

RTD公用事业建设电话线: 303-299-2811

RTD Engineering Staff is 在这里 to assist you with your Engineering/Design/Construction related questions.


Plan Ahead – RTD 审查 Process can take several months to complete 和 approval is NOT Guaranteed.


联系 appropriate RTD departments 和 include the following specific information to define your work in every email or phone message before you address the body of your questions or requests:

  • 公司名称(为谁工作)
  • 工作地点(最近的主要街道)
  • 离你工作地点最近的RTD铁路走廊或巴士路线
  • 工作类型(你要安装、移除什么)
  • 联系人姓名、电话和电子邮件

发送电子邮件时,请使用详细和具体的主题标题. 在电话留言时, please speak slowly 和 clearly especially if you are on a cellphone as your messages may not be delivered clearly to RTD. RTD receives many requests for work each day so the details you provide us upfront will help our staff locate your request quickly.



除了RTD对建筑的要求, 区域交通局的工作涉及许多有自己设计的司法管辖区, 工程, 建筑工地. It is your responsibility to determine which jurisdiction construction 和 工程 requirements you need to meet.






  1. You MUST start your application process by submitting a preliminary design to RTD Engineering for review.
  2. 在RTD工程公司给你开了绿灯之后, you will start the official process by submitting an Agreement Request package to RTD Real Property Department. RTD Real Property will review your request package then route it to the appropriate RTD departments for review. This review process can take time 和 be delayed if the application package is missing information or if the design violates RTD criteria. 审查RTD路权进入许可 在这里.
  3. After your design has been approved by all departments 和 only after RTD Real Property has executed an Approved Agreement for your project, 你需要申请许可证才能在RTD轨道上工作. 铁路走廊由两个不同的集团拥有/维护(轻轨通勤铁路CRT). 每个小组都有自己独特的程序、申请表格、所需的培训和会议. 你的工作地点将决定你需要申请哪一组.
  4. 每个工人在工作上都需要采取并顺利完成所有适当的措施 铁路安全培训班.

接下来,您需要参加相应的轻轨/通勤铁路运营会议. 讨论了你工作的细节, 包括工人安全和对旗帜的需求, 在这些会议上. You will need to prove completion of applicable railroad safety training prior to or 在这些会议上. Only after receiving an approved permit may you begin work in accordance with that permit 和 the terms of the RTD Agreement.

在RTD轨道上挖掘(不是RTD 行)

  1. You MUST start your application process by submitting a preliminary design to RTD Engineering for review.
  2. 在RTD工程公司给你开了绿灯之后, you will start the official process by submitting an Agreement Request package to RTD Real Property department. 即使RTD不拥有行, RTD也有权拥有和运营行中的轨道. Any work that encroaches or crosses RTD facilities needs to be coordinated with RTD Real Property group first. RTD Real Property will review your Request package then route it to the appropriate RTD departments for review. This review process can take time 和 can be delayed if the application package is missing information or if the design violates RTD criteria. 审查RTD路权进入许可 在这里.
  3. After your design has been approved by all departments 和 only after RTD Real Property has executed an Approved Agreement for your project, 你必须申请许可证才能在铁路专用道上工作. 铁路走廊由两个不同的集团拥有/维护(轻轨通勤铁路CRT). 每个小组都有自己独特的程序、申请表格、所需的培训和会议. 你的工作地点将决定你需要申请哪一组.
  4. 每个工人在工作上都需要采取并顺利完成所有适当的措施 铁路安全培训班.
  5. 接下来,您需要参加相应的轻轨/通勤铁路运营会议. 正是在这些会议上讨论了你们工作的细节, 包括工人安全和对旗帜的需求. You will need to prove completion of applicable RR Safety Training prior to or 在这些会议上. Only after receiving an Approved Permit may you begin work in accordance with that Permit 和 the terms of the RTD Agreement.


RTD需要 铁路安全培训 在RTD轨道附近工作. 对于安全的轨道交通来说,RTD的视觉走廊与RTD的物理走廊同样重要, 因此,在RTD轨道附近工作可能会影响RTD铁路的运营. 当在RTD轨道附近工作时, 考虑施工设备(架空)的伸展和摆动, 地面及地下). RTD also maintains critical facilities key to safe operation of RTD’s rail corridors including traction power substations, 架空悬链线系统, 信号系统, track, 以及轨道通行权,如轨道床和结构. 这些设施, 如果损坏, can be dangerous to RTD train operations 和 dangerous to contractors if contacted by workers or equipment. 请注意, some RTD buried facilities are not contained between tracks or within fenced substation areas but occasionally run down 和 在 local streets. RTD正在扩展,我们的系统无处不在.


  1. You MUST start your application process by submitting a preliminary design to RTD Engineering for review.
  2. 在RTD工程公司给你开了绿灯之后, you will start the official process by submitting an Agreement Request package to RTD Real Property department. RTD Real Property will review your Request package then route it to the appropriate RTD departments for review. This review process can take time 和 can be delayed if the application package is missing information or if the design violates RTD criteria. 审查RTD路权进入许可 在这里.
  3. After your design has been approved by all departments 和 only after RTD Real Property has executed an Approved Agreement for your project, you will need to apply for a Building Grounds Access Permit (BGAP) to do work on RTD 行 thru RTD Facilities group. 审核RTD设施使用许可 在这里.


您的工作可能会间接影响RTD物业/行/设施. RTD reviews plans submitted to RTD from local 司法管辖区 to make sure adjacent construction projects will not adversely impact RTD property, 行, 或设施. If your work may impact RTD, coordinate with the local Jurisdictions to submit your plans to RTD.



RTD Rail Operations 和 RTD Maintenance of Way run a m和atory meeting to discuss impacts of your work on train operations, 为RTD的轻轨10英尺范围内的工作分配标志资源, 签发许可证,允许你工作. RTDC-DTO铁路运营部负责所有CRT铁路路权的相同职能. RTD要求在所有工作期间,在运营铁路走廊10英尺范围内放置旗子, 包括所有前期工作(e).g.(勘测、坑洞或设备调动). 如果在你工作的地方有多条铁路, 您需要提前为每条铁路安排单独的经批准的旗帜. BNSF/UPRR批准的旗帜不符合RTD的旗帜要求.


Contractors need to coordinate all work along bus routes 和/or near bus facilities with RTD Bus Operations. RTD Bus/Street Operations coordinates 和 prepares updates of bus routes 和 detours affected by disruption of services due to construction, 特别活动, 和紧急情况. RTD与执法部门密切合作, 司法管辖区, 工务部门, 市政当局审查建筑设计, 交通管制计划, 莱恩闭包, 绕行以尽量减少对公交运营的影响.


RTD工程部负责RTD所有排水设施的设计和维护. 此功能包括排水沟, 滞留池, 涵洞, 排水结构, 地下管道, 以及控制RTD轨道上的地表径流, 行, Park-n-Rides, 公交车站, 和其他设施.


RTD Engineering 和 RTD Systems are responsible for the location 和 design of RTD-owned utilities. 该功能包括牵引变电站, 架空悬链线系统, 地下电力和通讯管道, 信号系统, 跟踪暗渠, 实用走廊, 水, 卫生下水道, 还有雨水排水管. 邻近设施的安装, on, or 在 RTD 行/facilities is a safety concern 和 requires an additional specific procedure before access permits for work can be obtained.



RTD工程负责审查RTD设施或物业附近的土地开发, 它包括几个学科.

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